Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Wish u all happy new year!!

Looking Forward - 2009 !

2006, 2007 and 2008 was when.........

when we got a job.........

when we passed out of college....

when we made new amazing friends.....

when some of us moved to a new city.....

When some of us celebrated our 21st - 25th birthdays.....

When we waved good bye to our buddies...

when some of us fell in love........

when some of us fell out of love

when some of us got hurt

when some of your 'friends' screwed up your love life...

when some 'one' you liked, did not like 'you'....

when we would have made mistakes

when we made life decisions.......

when these decisions turned out to be a tragedy

when some of us felt lonely ....

when some of us made an amazing friends in a new city

when some of us would have learnt to be stronger.....

when some of us would have realized that everything happens for a


when some of us let out our anger.....

when some of us never opened up to our friends about how we felt....

when some of us felt so glad and happy to be the way they are.....

when we go out everyday and meet up with our friends...

when we had serious talks with our dad about our future.....

when we missed each other like hell...........

when we missed our mom here .....

when we cried for each other .......

When we celebrated with our friends ....

When we walked around the streets late in the night ......

When we put budget for the next month (but strictly not following it)

Last year has taken us through all our ups and downs we faced in our


2009.......one more year.....A year to....

To find our life partner (for those who haven't yet)

to forget old crushes...

to still fall in love (for those who haven't yet).........

to smile........

to let people know how much u care...

to learn from our mistakes.......

to cry when we are feeling down.....

to follow our dreams.......

to fight against everything for our dreams to come true.....

to be more confident.........

to be more strong at heart and mind.....

to enrich our knowledge.........

to make others happy....

Lets take each day as it comes........

Forget about the downs we came across in the past year........

And remember every lesson we learnt through them........

Let's Enjoy Life to the Fullest............


1 comment:

Sandy said...

From my friend Tejas:

2006,07 and 08 was when.....

GDP growth clocked from 6% to over 8.5%
Ruppee appreciated from Rs.47 a dollar to Rs. 37 a dollar
And back to where it was!
Dollar appreciated from $ 37 a barrel to $150 a barrel
And back to where it was!
Inflation rose from about 5% to over 11%
And back to where it was!
SENSEX rose from 6000 - 7000 to over 21000
And, sadly, back to where it was!

2009..... the year where
We will fall in love with sensex again,
Recession will not become depression,
Ruppee will not let us down,
GDP will grow beyond the roofs.....