Sunday, December 28, 2008

BlackBerry Storm Developer Competition

Vodafone is looking for the best application for the BlackBerry Storm. Resourceful developers taking part in the Vodafone innovations competition for the BlackBerry Storm
not only have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to win 50,000 euros – the three best software applications will be provided as downloads for all users in the BlackBerry Application Center.

To enter the competition register here.

Here’s what you can win:

However here is catch :)

the winners of the SDC also agree to accord VF the following rights of usage for the prize-winning applications:
The winners acknowledge VF’s rights of usage (reproduction, duplication, distribution, publication, transmission, presentation, promotion, etc.) pertaining to the respective applications for all currently known forms of utilisation exclusively, in full, and without any limitation of content, regional restraints or time limits. The granting of such rights is in no way limited solely to online use, but also applies to the exploitation of said applications by other means. This granting of rights of usage also applies to any subsequent rights arising from new or future legislation or for any other reasons. VF reserves the right to transfer all or any of the aforementioned rights, in full or in part, to third parties, in particular to RIM.
VF is authorised to exploit any or all applications in conjunction with other works, and also to process, subsequently modify, enhance or expand the respective applications as they see fit. As the granting of rights detailed above is equally applicable to the relevant object and source codes of the respective applications, the winners are bound over to provide VF, on request, with the object and source codes free of charge.
Reading this, if you were to ‘win’ 1st prize of 50,000 Euros, you are giving your application away to Vodafone for this sum. It’s even worse if you ‘win’ 3rd place - only 5,000 Euros for all your intellectual property. Unbelieveable.

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